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Our company is an independent private entity, which besides high-quality lab services provides consulting services. We focus on pollution prevention (promoting environmental awareness and responsibility, public sustainability, reporting), measures towards reduction of the emission burden (source identification, interventions assistance, after-intervention monitoring studies) and contamination of soils and ground water (identification of the type of contamination, remediation proposals).

Air quality management

– Quality of emissions from various sources: Legislative standards issues in the measured area (POPs content, VOC, requirements for combustion units, mobile sources, etc.)

– Ambient air quality: Determination of acceptable requirements, identification of sources, draft exposure studies, significance of the bioavailable phase, risk assessment.

Water quality management

– Protection of water resources, their supply and utilization: Water management – different types of water (surface, ground, drinking water); reporting, and active protection of resources.

– Quality of waste water: Monitoring and assessment of waste water quality, requirements for discharge of contaminated water, maintaining quality of water through limits, quality adjustment.

Waste materials quality management

– Hazardous and special types of waste materials: Reducing their incidence, setting of the conditions for thermal use, including waste oils, hospital waste and other hazardous waste.

– Application of the best available technology (BAT) for hazardous waste materials containing POPs:  Elimination of POPs from all waste compartments, design of crucial parameters, elimination of the transport/mobile technologies applicability


Address for delivery samples

Sample delivery to the Laboratory
(dully copy to post label):

Seat: Dobrá 240, E&H services, a.s.
73951 Czech Republic
On the delivery assistance, please call to this number:
+420-608742251 – sample reception (


E&H services, Inc.
Budějovická 618/53
140 00 Praha 4 – Krč

Vážení zákazníci, informujeme Vás, že laboratoř E&H services, a.s.
bude od 21.12.2024 do 5.1.2024 uzavřena.