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Our services

E&H Services is engaged in the development and implementation of technologies for detoxification of persistent organic pollutants from solid, gas and liquid substances and offers consultancy service. We emphasize the solution which is affordable and also has the best utility value when selecting the most available technologies – the solution which is verified, reliable, environmentally friendly, efficient and most technically feasible. We propose POPs destruction units independently or as part of other technological devices. Various options of assembly achieve technical recycling solutions to promote the reuse of toxic materials.

We have gained extensive experience in treatment of technical matrices:

– Highly contaminated ashes from combustion catalytic filter units

– Toxic waste from different filters and sorbents after purification of gas/liquid from plant processing

– Toxic fine particles after highly-efficient removal from flue gases

– Liquid and solid wastes containing PCBs, biocides, and other POP substances, including precursors

– Construction materials

– Jet sands

– Liquid materials (waste oil), with various sorbents

– Sewage sludge from different waste water treatment technologies

– Sediments and other materials containing POP and similar substances.

We focus on chlorinated aromatic compounds such as PCDD / F, PCB, OCP, PCBZ, PCPh, hormones, antibiotics, polar pesticides, including their metabolites.


Address for delivery samples

Sample delivery to the Laboratory
(dully copy to post label):

Seat: Dobrá 240, E&H services, a.s.
73951 Czech Republic
On the delivery assistance, please call to this number:
+420-608742251 – sample reception (


E&H services, Inc.
Budějovická 618/53
140 00 Praha 4 – Krč

Vážení zákazníci, informujeme Vás, že laboratoř E&H services, a.s.
bude od 21.12.2024 do 5.1.2024 uzavřena.