Cannabis analysis Slider 4 en Slider 3 en Slider 2 en Slider 1 en


On March 18, 2015, the regular surveillance visit of the Czech Accreditation Institute, with a favorable rating. Here is an excerpt from Annex certificate of accreditation:

Laboratory fulfills the requirements for periodic measurements of emissions according to ČSN P CEN / TS 15675: 2009 for testing and sampling identified by serial number symbol E.

The laboratory is qualified to update the normative documents identifying test procedures.

Laboratory flexible approach to the scope of accreditation as detailed in the Appendix.

Updated list of activities carried out within the required flexible scope is available in the laboratory (the Quality Manager).

The laboratory provides professional opinions and interpretations of test results. The laboratory is capable of carrying out independent sampling.



Address for delivery samples

Sample delivery to the Laboratory
(dully copy to post label):

Seat: Dobrá 240, E&H services, a.s.
73951 Czech Republic
On the delivery assistance, please call to this number:
+420-608742251 – sample reception (


E&H services, Inc.
Budějovická 618/53
140 00 Praha 4 – Krč

Vážení zákazníci, informujeme Vás, že laboratoř E&H services, a.s.
bude od 21.12.2024 do 5.1.2024 uzavřena.